
K.C. Jones, kcjonez, KC, Jonezy, Jonez, TheJonezter, yadda...

This page will be under construction for a bit. I'm trying to update the entire site, and it's taking some time.

Thanks for your patience and understanding. K.C. Jones

About K.C. Jones

K.C. Jones

K.C. JonesMusician

K.C. Jones is a musician/IT guy who was brought up in the 70's and 80's becoming a product of the era. Playing styles from Blues to Classical to Progressive to all out Metal, he has developed his own style recognizeable in everything he plays. Not necessarily mainstream music, but fun to listen to!

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= date('Y')) { echo "© " . date('Y') . " - All rights reserved."; // display current year if $startYear is same or greater than this year } else { // Display range of years. Replace date('Y') with date('y') to display range of years in YYYY-YY format. echo "© " . intval($startYear) . "–" . date('Y'); } } ?>