session_start(); ?>
This page will be under construction for a bit. I'm trying to update the entire site, and it's taking some time.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
K.C. Jones
Yes, I sported a mullet back in the day! Up until about 2001 when I realized it had gone out of style...10 years earlier!!!
I can be a little slow catching up...
I haven't been able to play very much over the last 10 years. Doctors have found out why and are working to resolve the issue! Having wrist surgery pretty keep your fingers crossed!
This getting old crap is for the birds!
Keep up to date on all of my ailments that have prevented me from writing and recording...playing period!
/* No argument required for current year. Otherwise, pass start year as a 4-digit value. */ function auto_copyright($startYear = null) { if (!is_numeric($startYear) || intval($startYear) >= date('Y')) { echo "© " . date('Y') . " - All rights reserved."; // display current year if $startYear is same or greater than this year } else { // Display range of years. Replace date('Y') with date('y') to display range of years in YYYY-YY format. echo "© " . intval($startYear) . "–" . date('Y'); } } ?> auto_copyright(); // Current year?>